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Chemistry with a twist
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The previous post demonstrated the simple iso-electronic progression from six-coordinate carbon to five coordinate nitrogen. Here, a further progression to oxygen is investigated computationally. The systems are formally constructed from a cyclobutadienyl di-anion and firstly the HO 5+ cation, giving a tri-cationic complex. There are no examples of the resulting motif in the Cambridge structure database.


A few years back I followed a train of thought here which ended with hexacoordinate carbon, then a hypothesis rather than a demonstrated reality. That reality was recently confirmed via a crystal structure, DOI:10.5517/CCDC.CSD.CC1M71QM[cite]10.1002/anie.201608795[/cite]. Here is a similar proposal for penta-coordinate nitrogen. First, a search of the CSD (Cambridge structure database) for such nitrogen.


It is not only the non-classical norbornyl cation that has proved controversial in the past. A colleague mentioned at lunch (thanks Paul!) that tri-coordinate group 14 cations such as R 3 Si + have also had an interesting history.[cite]10.1021/ja990389u[/cite] Here I take a brief look at some of these systems. Their initial characterisations, as with the carbon analogues, was by 29 Si NMR.


The example a few posts back of how methane might invert its configuration by transposing two hydrogen atoms illustrated the reaction mechanism by locating a transition state and following it down in energy using an intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC). Here I explore an alternative method based instead on computing a molecular dynamics trajectory (MD). I have used ethane instead of methane, since it is now possible to


The Wikipedia entry on peroxydisulfate is quite short (as of today). But I suspect this article may change things.[cite]10.1038/s41559-017-0083[/cite]. A search of the Cambridge structure database reveals around 18 high quality crystal structures containing this species are known, many as metal salts.


A pyrophoric metal is one that burns spontaneously in oxygen; I came across this phenomenon as a teenager doing experiments at home. Pyrophoric iron for example is prepared by heating anhydrous iron (II) oxalate in a sealed test tube ( i.e. to 600° or higher). When the tube is broken open and the contents released, a shower of sparks forms. Not all metals do this;


In the previous post, I found intriguing the mechanism by which methane (CH 4 ) inverts by transposing two of its hydrogens. Here I take a look at silane, SiH 4 . It appears it is a three-stage process! Firstly, silane eliminates molecular hydrogen to form a molecular complex between H 2 and SiH 2 (DOI: 10.14469/hpc/2290). The barrier (~60 kcal/mol) is very much lower than with methane.


This is a spin-off from the table I constructed here for further chemical examples of the classical/non-classical norbornyl cation conundrum. One possible entry would include the transition state for inversion of methane via a square planar geometry as compared with e.g. NiH 4 for which the square planar motif is its minimum.