Published in Henry Rzepa's Blog

I do not play poker,‡ and so I had to look up a 5-4-3-2-1(A), which Wikipedia informs me is a 5-high straight flush, also apparently known as a steel wheel. In previous posts  I have suggested acids which can be ionised by (probably) 5, 4, 3 or  1 discrete water molecules in the gas phase;



C 2 H 5 F 6 N 1 O 6 S 2

Authors Henry S Rzepa, Imperial College London, Imperial College London, Henry S Rzepa

# opt freq wb97xd/6-311++g(2d,2p) geom=connectivity integral=(acc2e=12


C 2 H 5 F 6 N 1 O 6 S 2

Authors Henry S Rzepa, Imperial College London, Imperial College London, Henry S Rzepa

# opt(calcfc) freq wb97xd/6-311++g(2d,2p) geom=connectivity integral=(

Inorganic ChemistryCondensed Matter PhysicsGeneral Materials Science

Structures of bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide HN(SO2F)2, bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide HN(SO2CF3)2, and their potassium salts at 150 K

Published in Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials
Authors Z. Žák, A. Růžička, Ch. Michot

Abstract The structures of HN(SO2R)2, R=F, CF3 are formed by molecules linked by hydrogen bonds to infinite chains. While KN(SO2F)2 is composed of alternating cations and anions, HN(SO2CF3)2 exhibits a pronounced layer structure. In the acids, the substituents –R are in trans configuration being on the opposite sides of the plane defined by S–N–S bonds but in the salts the cis configuration with both substituents on the same side of the S–N–S plane is preferred, probably due to numerous metal-anion interactions.