Published in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Although the small diatomic molecule known as dicarbon or C 2 has been known for a long time, its properties and reactivity have really only been determined via its very high temperature generation. My interest started in 2010, when I speculatively proposed here that the related isoelectronic species C⩸N + might sustain a quadruple bond.


The Nature of the Fourth Bond in the Ground State of C2: The Quadruple Bond Conundrum

Published in Chemistry – A European Journal
Authors David Danovich, Philippe C. Hiberty, Wei Wu, Henry S. Rzepa, Sason Shaik

AbstractDoes, or doesn’t C2 break the glass ceiling of triple bonding? This work provides an overview on the bonding conundrum in C2 and on the recent discussions regarding our proposal that it possesses a quadruple bond. As such, we focus herein on the main point of contention, the 4th bond of C2, and discuss the main views. We present new data and an overview of the nature of the 4th bond—its proposed antiferromagnetically coupled nature, its strength, and a derivation of its bond energy from experimentally based thermochemical data. We address the bond‐order conundrum of C2 arising from generalized VB (GVB) calculations by comparing it to HCCH, and showing that the two molecules behave very similarly, and C2 is in no way an exception. We analyse the root cause of the deviation of C2 from the Badger Rule, and demonstrate that the reason for the smaller force constant (FC) of C2 relative to HCCH has nothing to do with the bond energies, or with the number of bonds in the two molecules. The FC is determined primarily by the bond length, which is set by the balance between the bond length preferences of the σ‐ versus π‐bonds in the two molecules. This interplay in the case of C2 clearly shows the fingerprints of the 4th bond. Our discussion resolves the points of contention and shows that the arguments used to dismiss the quadruple bond nature of C2 are not well founded.


Room-Temperature Chemical Synthesis of C2

Authors Kazunori Miyamoto, Shodai Narita, Yui Masumoto, Takahiro Hashishin, Mutsumi Kimura, Masahito Ochiai, Masanobu Uchiyama

Diatomic carbon (C2) is historically an elusive chemical species. It has long been believed that the generation of C2 requires extremely high “physical” energy, such as an electric carbon arc or multiple photon excitation, and so it has been the general consensus that the inherent nature of C2 in the ground state is experimentally inaccessible. Here, we present the first “chemical” synthesis of C2 in a flask at room temperature or below, providing the first experimental evidence to support theoretical predictions that (1) C2 has a singlet biradical character with a quadruple bond, thus settling a long-standing controversy between experimental and theoretical chemists, and that (2) C2 serves as a molecular element in the formation of sp2-carbon allotropes such as graphite, carbon nanotubes and C60.