Biological SciencesBlogger

Quintessence of Dust

Quintessence of Dust explores science, society, and human nature, focusing on genetics, development, evolution, neuroscience, systems biology, and topics related to scientific literacy. I occasionally discuss intelligent design, creationism, science denial, and other political/social influences on scientific literacy. Additional topics: philosophy, baseball, scientific culture, and Shakespeare. My main theme is scientific explanation.
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Author Stephen Matheson

On Friday in the Christian Perspectives in Science seminar at Calvin College I gave a little talk on theistic evolution. The idea was to get some feedback on the simple ideas that I'll present at a symposium at the North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC) in Cincinnati in June. The symposium is titled "The Nature of Science and Public Science Literacy" and it's part of Education and Public Outreach Day at the NAPC.

Author Stephen Matheson

So is evolution a weapon of unbelief, empowering the dark forces of atheism in their assault on Christendom by air, land and sea? It's sure easy to hear the dogs of war howling in the background of the weird debate over whether the NCSE is biased toward belief. I don't have time to post my thoughts on that debate right now.

Author Stephen Matheson

You may recall that I gave a very strong recommendation to a recent book (Nature's Witness: How Evolution Can Inspire Faith) by my friend and former pastor, Dr. Daniel Harrell of Park Street Church in Boston. David Opderbeck, at his blog Through a Glass Darkly, has been conversing with Daniel about the book and his ideas. The series has three parts so far (links below). And the rest of David's blog is worth some time as well.

Author Stephen Matheson

Today's Science Times, oddly enough, is devoted to articles on evolution and Darwin. Included is an essay by Carl Safina, "Darwinism Must Die So That Evolution May Live." Safina's basic point is that Darwinism as an -ism is a hindrance to scientific thought and – worse – a source of strength for intelligent design creationism. I think he's right about that.

Author Stephen Matheson

Hello and welcome to the 28th edition of the genetics blog carnival known as Mendel's Garden, where we celebrate blogging on topics related to anything touching on what Mendel discovered (or thought he discovered). While reading these interesting and informative pieces, please think about work that should be featured in a future edition and/or blogs (like yours) that would serve well as future hosts. So do tomato seeds get you excited? No? Oh.

Author Stephen Matheson

That's the name of our January term course, a trip to London and Edinburgh to learn about the Scottish Enlightenment and its relationship(s) to Christian belief. We'll be keeping a blog with pictures and reflections. So nothing on QoD till the end of the month.In the meantime, share Mike Beidler's several minutes of fame. Then maybe read up on experimentally-induced out-of-body experiences.