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Chemistry with a twist
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This is another of those textbook reactions, involving reaction of a carbonyl compound with a phosphonium ylid to form an alkene and a phosphine oxide. The reaction continues to be frequently used, in part because it can be highly stereospecific.  Thus the standard version tends to give Z -alkenes with good specificity, and is thought to proceed via an oxaphosphatane 4-ring intermediate.


The Curtius reaction is represented in most chemistry texts and notes as following path (a) below. It is one of a general class of thermally induced rearrangement which might be described as elimination/migration (in a sense similar to this ring contraction migration/elimination), in this case implicating a nitrene intermediate if the two steps occur consecutively.


Two years ago, I discussed how curly arrow pushing is taught, presenting four different ways of showing the arrows. One of the comments posted to that blog suggested that all of the schemes shown below were deficient in one aspect. Curly arrow pushing The issues were the stereo and regiochemistry. In particular, the diagram above carries no explicit information about the symmetry of the electrons from which the first arrow originates;


The reaction between a carbene and an alkene to form a cyclopropane is about as simple a reaction as one can get. But I discussed before how simple little molecules (cyclopropenyl anion) can hold surprises. So consider this reaction: Transition state for reaction between ethene and dichlorocarbene.


If you have not previously visited, take a look at Nick Greeves’ ChemTube3D , an ever-expanding gallery of reactions and their mechanisms. The 3D is because all molecules are offered with X, Y and z coordinates. You also get arrow pushing in 3D. Here, I argue that we should adopt Einstein, and go to the space-time continuum!


HCl reacting with a carbonyl compound (say formaldehyde) sounds pretty simple. But often the simpler a thing looks, the more subtle it is under the skin. And this little reaction is actually my prelude to the next post. The mechanism is studied using ωB97XD/6-311G(d,p) with a simulated solvent (acetic acid) included (but not explicit solvent setting up any hydrogen bonds). Transition state HCl + H2C=O. Click for 3D animation.


Many reaction mechanisms involve a combination of bond formation/cleavage between two non-hydrogen atoms and those involving reorganisation of proximate hydrogens. The Baeyer-Villiger discussed previously illustrated a complex dance between the two types. Here I take a look at another such mechanism, the methylation of a carboxylic acid by diazomethane.


One thing almost always leads to another in chemistry. In the last post, I described how an antiperiplanar migration could compete with an antiperiplanar elimination. This leads to the hydroboration-oxidation mechanism, the discovery of which resulted in Herbert C. Brown (at least in part) being awarded the Nobel prize in 1979. This reaction represents a fairly steep learning curve for new students of organic chemistry.


The anti-periplanar principle permeates organic reactivity. Here I pick up on an example of the antiperiplanar E2 elimination (below, blue) by comparing it to a competing reaction involving a [1,2] antiperiplanar migration (red). The relative rates of these two processes will depend on several factors such as the ability of Cl to donate electrons (red) vs the basicity of the chloride anion (blue) and of course solvent polarity.