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rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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Author Jeroen Ooms

At rOpenSci, we encourage R package developers to take advantage of Continuous Integration services to automatically check the package on different platforms, with different versions of R. The rOpenSci dev guide dedicates chapter 2 to the topic of Continuous Integration Best Practices , and recommends a few common CI vendors, including Travis CI. Travis CI has been a pioneer in free public CI services, and made the concept popular in the

Author Scott Chamberlain

fulltext is a package I maintain for text-mining the scholarly literature (package docs). You can search for articles, fetch article metadata and abstracts, and fetch full text of some articles. Text-mining the scholarly literature is a research tool used across disciplines. Full text of articles (entire article, not just the abstract) is the gold standard in text-mining in most cases.


Emerging viruses might be on everyone’s mind right now, but as an epidemiologist and disease ecologist I’ve always been interested in how and why pathogens move from animal hosts to humans.The current pandemic of the disease we call COVID-19 is caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a virus that has emerged from wildlife like SARS coronavirus and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus

Authors April Wright, Cristian Román-Palacios, Josef Uyeda

The data.table package enables high-performance extended functionality for data tables in R. treedata.table is a wrapperfor data.table for phylogenetic analyses that matches a phylogeny to the data.table, and preserves matching during data.table operations.Using the data.table package greatly increases analysis reproducibility and the efficiency of data manipulation operations over other ways of performing similar tasks inbase R, enabling

Author Jonathan Keane

This post describes a few different aspects behind the scenes of the development of dittodb which recently went through the rOpenSci peer review process and was released to CRAN on 24 July 2020.This isn’t an introduction to the package itself (that’s available on dittodb’s site), but rather a look behind the scenes of the conceiving of the idea, the inspiration for, some of the development of, and history behind dittodb.The idea The idea for


In March we held a Community Call discussing the maintenance of R packages.This call included a starting presentation by Julia Silge followed by a discussion featuring panelists with a wide variety of backgrounds: Elin Waring, Erin Grand, Leonardo Collado-Torres and Scott Chamberlain.

Author Jeroen Ooms

This week we released a major new version of the rsvg package on CRAN. This package provides R bindings to librsvg2 which is a powerful system library for rendering svg images into bitmaps that can be displayed, or use for further processing in for example the magick package. The biggest change in this release is the R package on Windows and MacOS now includes the latest librsvg 2.48.4. This is a major upgrade;

Authors The rOpenSci Team, Brooke Anderson, Robin Lovelace, Ben Marwick, Ben Raymond, Anton Van de Putte, Louise Slater, Sam Zipper, Ilaria Prosdocimi, Sam Albers, Claudia Vitolo

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted all of our lives in a very short period of time.Spring and summer are usually very busy as students prepare to go the field to engage in various data collection efforts.The pandemic has also disrupted these carefully planned activities as travel is suspended and local and remote field stations have closed indefinitely.A lost field season can be a major setback for a dissertation timeline and