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Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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I’m thrilled to share that CRediTas has passed peer review and been accepted to rOpenSci as well as to CRAN. I am glad to acknowledge the editor Emily Riedered and the two reviewers Marcelo S. Perlin and João Martins. Their comments and support were really insightful. CRediTas is a tiny package to facilitate the tedious job of creating CRediT authors statements for scientific publications.

Author Jeroen Ooms

How packages appear in r-universe Last month we explained how r-universe makes it easy to search and browse through the countless R packages, articles, and datasets to let you discover and learn new things. We are continuously growing this database by adding more R projects, to guide you through everything the R ecosystem has to offer. Currently r-universe is tracking and indexing of over 18.000 R packages.

Author Jeroen Ooms

Finding the right tool for the job The hardest part about effectively using R is finding the best packages for the problem you are trying to solve. I think this is even more important than being fluent in the language itself, which you will pick up along the way as you start using R more frequently. However, building your code on reliable foundations is essential for good results, and difficult to fix later on in a project.

Author Jeroen Ooms

Running your own package registry Tiny update for r-universe users whos run their own package registry: we have changed the preferred git repo name where you host your packages.json registry file. Previously the git repository was simply called universe, i.e. the registry for was in the GitHub repository tiledb-inc/universe.


Introduction Panel data contains measurements from multiple subjects measured over multiple time points.Such data can be encountered in many social science applications such as when analysing register data or cohort studies (for example).Often the aim is to perform causal inference based on such observational data (instead of randomized control trials). A new rOpensci-reviewed R package dynamite available on CRAN implements a new class of panel

Author Jeroen Ooms

ul a:hover{text-decoration: underline;}Pretty permanent URLs! We have improved the URL schema for the front-end to make it even easier to find and share a link to an R package, article, API, or other resource. The old URLs will now automatically be redirected to the new locations, so this should be a non-breaking change.

Author Jeroen Ooms

curl 5.0.0 is on CRAN A new major version of the curl package has been released to CRAN. This release both brings internal improvements as well as new user-facing functionality, in particular with respect to concurrent downloads. From the NEWS file:curl 5.0.0 - New function multi_download() which supports concurrent downloads and resuming download for large files, while giving detailed progress information.


I really enjoy using targets for all of my data analysis projects, especially because it helps me structure all of the projects nicely in the same folder.For targets projects, I often produce several figures using ggplot2.However, there are no formal recommendations for saving ggplot2 objects (as opposed to static images) in a targets workflow.

Author Jeroen Ooms

Two new packages! We released two new packages that we are using in r-universe to render package documentation: postdoc and prismjs. The goal of postdoc is very simple: generate beautiful single-page package manuals in HTML format. Postdoc uses our prismjs and katex packages for server-side highlighting and math.