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rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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rOpenSci HQ On behalf of rOpenSci, thank you to everyone who has contributed their creativity, curiosity, smarts, and time in the last year. Read our Thank You, 2019.Software Peer Review 3 community-contributed packages passed software peer review. osfr - R Interface to OSF. Author: Aaron Wolen; Reviewers: Heidi Seibold, Carl Boettiger; Read the Review Rclean - A Tool for Writing Cleaner, More Transparent Code.

Author Kari Norman

Dealing with taxonomic inconsistencies within and across datasets is a fundamental challenge of ecology and evolutionary biology. Accounting for species synonyms, taxa splitting and unification is especially important as aggregation of data across time and different data sources becomes increasingly common.