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rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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A new R package, cffr, has beendeveloped,peer-reviewed byrOpenSci and accepted by CRAN. Thispackage has a single purpose: to create a valid CITATION.cff file using themetadata of any R package.CITATION.cff files and why they matter A Citation File Format (CFF) is aplain text file with human- and machine-readable citation information forsoftware (and datasets) 1 . Under the hood, a CFF file is a YAML file.

Author Scott Chamberlain

Citations are a crucial piece of scholarly work. They hold metadata on each scholarly work, including what people were involved, what year the work was published, where it was published, and more. The links between citations facilitate insight into many questions about scholarly work. Citations come in many different formats including BibTex, RIS, JATS, and many more. This is not to be confused with citation styles such as APA vs. MLA and so on.


A while ago weonboarded anexciting package, codemetarby Carl Boettiger. codemetar is an R specificinformation collector and parser for the CodeMetaproject. In particular, codemetar candigest metadata about an R package in order to fill the termsrecognized by CodeMeta. This meansextracting information from DESCRIPTION but also from e.g. continuousintegration 1 badges in the README!