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We have some macros for ImageJ/FIJI for making figures and blind analysis which could be useful to others. I made an ImageJ Update Site so that the latest versions can be pushed out to the people in the lab, but this also gives the opportunity to share our code with the world. Feel free to add the quantixed ImageJ update site to your ImageJ or FIJI installation. Details of how to do that are here.


This is a quick post about the punch card feature on GitHub. This is available from Graphs within each repo and is also directly accessible via the API. I was looking at the punch card for two of my projects: one is work related and the other, more of a kind of hobby. The punch cards were different (the work one had way more commits, 99, than the hobby, 22). There was an interesting pattern to them. Here they are overlaid.


A couple of recent projects have meant that I had to get to grips more seriously with R and with MATLAB . Regular readers will know that I am a die-hard IgorPro user. Trying to tackle a new IDE is a frustrating experience, as anyone who has tried to speak a foreign language will know. The speed with which you can do stuff (or get your point across) is very slow.


I’m currently writing two manuscripts that each have a substantial data modelling component. Some of our previous papers have included computer code, but it was straightforward enough to have the code as a supplementary file or in a GitHub repo and leave it at that. Now with more substantial computation in the manuscript, I was wondering how best to describe it. How much detail is required?


Statistical hypothesis testing , commonly referred to as “statistics”, is a topic of consternation among cell biologists. This is a short practical guide I put together for my lab. Hopefully it will be useful to others. Note that statistical hypothesis testing is a huge topic and one post cannot hope to cover everything that you need to know.