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Authors: Ludo Waltman, Bianca Kramer, David Shotton In this blog post, Ludo Waltman, Bianca Kramer, and David Shotton, co-founders with colleagues of the Initiative for Open Abstracts, celebrate the first anniversary of the initiative. On September 24 last year, the Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA) was launched.


Since 1st January 2018, Crossref has had a new reference distribution policy, described at There are three possible options for setting the reference distribution preference from which a publisher can choose, these being ‘Closed’, ‘Limited’ and ’Open“. If the ‘Closed’ option is chosen, the references will only be used for the Crossref Cited-by service, and are not distributed via any of the


For completeness, this post, also based on analyses performed by Daniel Ecer of eLife (<> on data he downloaded from Crossref in September 2017 (Ecer, 2017), complements the two preceding posts, and details the openness of references from scholarly publishers other than Elsevier.


Yesterday (November 23rd 2017) I was working with Daniel Ecer of eLife (<> to dig some hard facts out of the analyses he undertook on data he downloaded from Crossref in September 2017 (Ecer, 2017).  Because of its dominant position in the scholarly publishing world, in this, the second of two related posts, I report the results for references from works published by Elsevier.


Yesterday (November 23rd 2017) I was working with Daniel Ecer of eLife (<> to dig some hard facts out of the analyses he undertook on data he downloaded from Crossref in September 2017 (Ecer, 2017).  In this, the first of two related posts, I report the results for all publishers . **The analyses show that, of the 33,672,763 journal articles documented in Crossref that have accompanying


I am pleased to announce that the JISC have funded an extension to the Open Citations Project to run from 1st August 2012 until 31st January 2013, during which we will review and revise the technology used to create the Open Citations Corpus, will update the content provided by PubMed Central, and will improve its presentation.