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Blog - Metadata Game Changers

Exploring metadata, communities, and new ideas.

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The DataCite metadata model includes rich information about over 18 million items with DOIs. The schema includes at least four elements that describe organizations: publisher, creator, contributor, and fundingReference. Each of these elements has interesting characteristics. Let’s explore them!


I recently introduced a simple visualization of data from the CrossRef Participation Reports that provides quantitative insight into how completeness of CrossRef metadata collections with respect to eleven key metadata elements has changed between the backfile and the current record collections.


I recently introduced a simple metric for measuring metadata collection completeness with respect to elements in the CrossRef Participation Reports. The suggestion of this metric immediately led to speculation about relationships between collection size and completeness. Small collections include fewer records – are they more likely to be complete? Publishers with large collections have more resources – do they have more complete metadata?


All scientific communities have been linking research together for many years using references to related work in articles. Recently these communities are exploring options for linking to datasets and software. As part of this effort, the CodeMeta Project recently proposed a vocabulary for metadata for code based on


The CrossRef Participation Reports provide a wealth of information about completeness of CrossRef metadata collections and, equally interesting, comparisons between two time periods (backfile and current). These comparisons provide unique opportunities to examine metadata evolution through time. This blog introduces a tool that can be used to visualize this evolution.


California Digital Library (CDL) and Dryad recently announced a partnership to address researcher needs and to “move the needle” on digital data adoption throughout the scholarly research community by working together to understand and respond to researcher needs for high-quality scientific data publishing infrastructures.


The Doe family consists of mother Jane and her son John. Identifying people and relationships is an important function of metadata. The ISO TC211 metadata standards provide a comprehensive framework for many important metadata use cases. Could ISO metadata be used to describe the Doe family? ISO metadata describes objects with types and properties.