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Liberate Science

Liberate Science
Supporting research as a common good.
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We just released Hypergraph (Beta) v0.10.4. We primarily patched some issues as we work on improving the stability of the application. New releases of Hypergraph occur on the 28th of every month — we only break that cycle if there are urgent fixes that we need to ship as soon as possible (e.g., for security). If you're interested in understanding how we version our releases, check out Semantic Versioning.


We just released Hypergraph (Beta) v0.10.1 🎉 This is a patch release and does not introduce any new features. New releases of Hypergraph occur on the 28th of every month — we only break that cycle if there are urgent fixes that we need to ship as soon as possible (e.g., for security). If you're interested in understanding how we version our releases, check out Semantic Versioning.

Author Patrick Sobrak-Seaton

Over the past month, I participated in a workshop led by Cassie Evans and Smashing Magazine called "The SVG Animation Masterclass". It was a fantastic workshop and inspires me to do more with animations for liberate science designs in the future. Watch this space, but until then, here's some things I wanted to share with you about my journey into animated SVGs.


Every 28th of the month, we release a new version of Hypergraph — we just released Hypergraph (Beta) v0.10.0 🎉 (if you already have it installed, it'll auto-update next time you run it). Below, you can find a detailed and human-readable version of everything that's changed since last months release (v0.9.0).Added Markdown rendering in Hypergraph (includes equation rendering, table rendering) — main files that are markdown files will now be

Authors Hans van Dijk, Martin Götz, Chris Hartgerink, Marino van Zelst

You can also open this content in Hypergraph (Download Hypergraph). We are gathering a group of researchers from a diverse set of disciplines to embark on an innovative research project investigating the question “ Does power corrupt? ” We decided to focus on this question because it is highly relevant in today’s research and practice, and although having engaged humanity for almost aeons, across disciplines different

Authors Hans van Dijk, Martin Götz, Chris Hartgerink, Marino van Zelst

You can also open this content in Hypergraph (Download Hypergraph). Research articles depict a destination, but not its journey. The journey is the messy middle that not everybody wants to know, but this garden of forking paths has substantial consequences for results. Because information often gets relegated to supplemental materials or is unavailable upon request, we often cannot know the actual research journey even if we wanted to.


The Open Update is Liberate Science's podcast series. Currently in it's third season, it has evolved from a weekly digest, to an interview series, to a conversational podcast.Season 1 (January 2021-April 2022) 52 weekly episodes digesting the open science news. In this inaugural season, we learned more about podcast production and initiated our audience.


We just released Hypergraph (Beta) v0.9.0 🎉 New releases of Hypergraph will from now on occur on the 28th of every month — we will only break that cycle if there are urgent fixes that we need to ship as soon as possible (e.g., security fixes or bug fixes). If you're interested in understanding how we version our releases, check out Semantic Versioning.