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Author Jeremy Kun

Table of Contents Last time, we covered a Bazel build system setup for an MLIR project. This time we’ll give an overview of a simple lowering and show how end-to-end tests work in MLIR. All of the code for this article is contained in this pull request on GitHub, and the commits are nicely organized and quite readable. Two of the central concepts in MLIR are dialects and lowerings.

Author Jeremy Kun

Table of Contents As we announced recently, my team at Google has started a new effort to build production-worthy engineering tools for Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). One focal point of this, and one which I’ll be focusing on as long as Google is willing to pay me to do so, is building out a compiler toolchain for FHE in the MLIR framework (Multi-Level Intermediate Representation). The project is called Homomorphic Encryption Intermediate

Author Jeremy Kun

Today my team at Google published an article on Google’s Developers Blog with some updates on what we’ve been doing with fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). There’s fun stuff in there, including work on video processing FHE, compiling ML models to FHE, an FHE implementation for TPUs, and improvements to the compiler I wrote about earlier this year.

Author Jeremy Kun

Before I discovered math, I was a first year undergrad computer science student taking Electrical Engineering 101. The first topic I learned was what bits and boolean gates are, and the second was the two’s complement representation of a negative n-bit integer. At the time two’s complement seemed to me like a bizarre quirk of computer programming, with minutiae you just had to memorize.

Author Jeremy Kun

It’s April Cools again. For a few summers in high school and undergrad, I was a day camp counselor. I’ve written before about how it helped me develop storytelling skills, but recently I thought of it again because, while I was cleaning out a closet full of old junk, I happened upon a bag of embroidery thread.

Author Jeremy Kun

In this article I’ll derive a trick used in FHE called sample extraction. In brief, it allows one to partially convert a ciphertext in the Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE) scheme to the Learning With Errors (LWE) scheme. Here are some other articles I’ve written about other FHE building blocks, though they are not prerequisites for this article.

Author Jeremy Kun

Back in May of 2022 I transferred teams at Google to work on Fully Homomorphic Encryption (newsletter announcement). Since then I’ve been working on a variety of projects in the space, including being the primary maintainer on, which is an open source FHE compiler for C++. This article will be an introduction to how to use it to compile programs to FHE, as well as a quick overview of its internals.

Author Jeremy Kun

This article was written by my colleague, Cathie Yun. Cathie is an applied cryptographer and security engineer, currently working with me to make fully homomorphic encryption a reality at Google. She’s also done a lot of cool stuff with zero knowledge proofs. In previous articles, we’ve discussed techniques used in Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) schemes.

Author Jeremy Kun

In this article I’ll cover three techniques to compute special types of polynomial products that show up in lattice cryptography and fully homomorphic encryption. Namely, the negacyclic polynomial product, which is the product of two polynomials in the quotient ring $\mathbb{Z}[x] / (x^N + 1)$. As a precursor to the negacyclic product, we’ll cover the simpler cyclic product. All of the Python code written for this article is on GitHub.

Author Jeremy Kun

Problem: Compute the product of two polynomials efficiently. Solution: import numpy from numpy.fft import fft, ifft def poly_mul(p1, p2): """Multiply two polynomials. p1 and p2 are arrays of coefficients in degree-increasing order. """ deg1 = p1.shape[0] - 1 deg2 = p1.shape[0] - 1 # Would be 2*(deg1 + deg2) + 1, but the next-power-of-2 handles the +1 total_num_pts = 2 * (deg1 + deg2) next_power_of_2 = 1 << (total_num_pts - 1).