
Math ∩ Programming

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Author Jeremy Kun

So far in this series we’ve seen two nontrivial algorithms for bandit learning in two different settings. The first was the UCB1 algorithm, which operated under the assumption that the rewards for the trials were independent and stochastic. That is, each slot machine was essentially a biased coin flip, and the algorithm was trying to find the machine with the best odds.

Author Jeremy Kun

For a while I’ve been meaning to do some more advanced posts on optimization problems of all flavors. One technique that comes up over and over again is Lagrange multipliers, so this post is going to be a leisurely reminder of that technique. I often forget how to do these basic calculus-type things, so it’s good practice.

Author Jeremy Kun

startups The software world is always atwitter with predictions on the next big piece of technology. And a lot of chatter focuses on what venture capitalists express interest in. As an investor, how do you pick a good company to invest in? Do you notice quirky names like “Kaggle” and “Meebo,” require deep technical abilities, or value a charismatic sales pitch?

Author Jeremy Kun

A lot of people who like functional programming often give the reason that the functional style is simply more elegant than the imperative style. When compelled or inspired to explain (as I did in my old post, How I Learned to Love Functional Programming), they often point to the three “higher-order” functions map, fold, and filter, as providing a unifying framework for writing and reasoning about programs. But how unifying are they, really?

Author Jeremy Kun

During the 1950’s the famous mathematician Paul Erdős and Alfred Rényi put forth the concept of a random graph and in the subsequent years of study transformed the world of combinatorics. The random graph is the perfect example of a good mathematical definition: it’s simple, has surprisingly intricate structure, and yields many applications.

Author Jeremy Kun

Machine learning is broadly split into two camps, statistical learning and non-statistical learning. The latter we’ve started to get a good picture of on this blog; we approached Perceptrons, decision trees, and neural networks from a non-statistical perspective. And generally “statistical” learning is just that, a perspective.