Computer and Information SciencesBlogger


Rants, raves (and occasionally considered opinions) on phyloinformatics, taxonomy, and biodiversity informatics. For more ranty and less considered opinions, see my Twitter feed.
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I will be at ReCon 16 in Edinburgh (hashtag #ReCon_16), the second ReCon event I've attended (see Thoughts on ReCon 15: DOIs, GitHub, ORCID, altmetric, and transitive credit). For the hack day that follows I've put together some instructions for a way to glue together annotations made by multiple people using It works by using IFTTT to read a user's annotation stream (i.e., the annotations they've made) and then post those to a


Given that Wikipedia, Wikidata, and the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) all share the goal of making information free, open, and accessible, there seems to be a lot of potential for useful collaboration. Below I sketch out some ideas. BHL as a source of references for Wikipedia Wikipedia likes to have sources cited to support claims in its articles. BHL has a lot of articles that could be cited by Wikipedia articles.


I'll be taking a break shortly, so I thought I'd try to gather some thoughts on a few projects/ideas that I'm working on. These are essentially extended notes to myself to jog my memory when I return to these topics. BOLD data into GBIF Following on from work on getting mosquito data into GBIF I've been looking at DNA barcoding data. BOLD data is mostly absent from GBIF.


Some notes to self about future directions for the "million DNA barcodes map" At the moment we have an interactive map that we can pan and zoom, and click on a marker to get a list of one or more barcodes at the location. We can also filter by major taxonomic group. Here are some ideas on what could be next. Search At the moment search is simply browsing the map.


Kew has released a new report today, entitled the State of the World's Plants, complete with it's own web site Its aim: This is, of course, a laudable goal, and a lot of work has gone into this report, and yet there are some things about the report that I find very frustrating. PDF but no ePub It's nice to have an interactive web site as well as a glossy PDF, but why restrict yourself to a PDF?


Despite the well deserved scepticism about dashboards voiced by Shannon Mattern @shannonmattern (see Mission Control: A History of the Urban Dashboard, I discovered this by reading Ignore the Bat Caves and Marketplaces: lets talk about Zoning by Leigh Dodds @ldodds) I'm intrigued by the idea a dashboard for biodiversity. We could have several different kinds of information, displayed in a single place.