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Author Europe PMC Team

Evidence Finder (EvF) provides a new way of searching Europe PMC that will help you find the most relevant articles more quickly. By surfacing “facts” based on biological concepts, EvF enhances the Europe PMC search, targeting relevant sentences from within full text articles. Over the next few weeks, we will be running an experiment on the Europe PMC website that will incorporate EvF and explore how it is used.

Author Europe PMC Team

It is important that you add all appropriate grant information to relevant papers on Europe PMC to support: Grant Reporting Compliance with Funder open access policies Data Consistency     Resource Discovery Author Claiming There are a variety of routes that enable grants to be linked to papers in Europe PMC.

Author Europe PMC Team

Recently Europe PMC released new export format options, to help users get Europe PMC’s wealth of metadata (and our open access papers) into the file formats they like to use. We’ve already posted about how useful this function is for researchers, but it’s great for research funders too. Funders can convert their carefully constructed search into a tab separated file and use Excel to manipulate the metadata as they wish.

Author Europe PMC Team

Europe PMC has released new export format options, indicated in the image below: The RIS export format is typically used by Reference Manager and EndNote bibliographic applications for example, so you can now easily import Europe PMC citations. You can also email citations to yourself, or others, by selecting this destination option from the Export menu and filling in the required address fields.

Author Europe PMC Team

Guest post from Alex Green, Transformation Project Co-ordinator, Wellcome Trust Last month saw the publication of the 2014 Taylor & Francis Open Access Survey. Combining responses from just over 7,900 authors who published with Taylor & Francis in 2012 (9% of the total), this represents the opinions of authors from across the world in roughly the proportions they have published with Taylor &

Author Europe PMC Team

New copyright exceptions to text and data mining for non-commercial research have recently come into effect and this is welcome news for UK researchers and research, argues Ross Mounce . Here he provides a brief overview of the past issues discouraging text and data mining and what the future holds now that these exceptions have been introduced.

Author Europe PMC Team

Image Source: Serial/Trash Life expectancy has increased continuously over the past several decades, and with it, a host of new age-related ailments have emerged as contemporary medical issues. Muscle function decreases with age, leaving increasing numbers of elderly people incapable of being physically independent. This not only has devastating personal effects but is also a major public health issue.

Author Europe PMC Team

Image design: Serial/Trash A number of genes have been implicated in neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neurone disease, and Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). However, the core biological processes involved in these disorders are extremely difficult to model and this is hampering the effort to develop treatments.

Author Europe PMC Team

Image Source: Serial/Trash Understanding how blood vessels are born and propagated is vital for the treatment of a whole host of diseases including heart disorders, diabetes and cancer. Scientists from Oxford’s Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research have begun to reveal the mechanism by which the switching on of specific genes leads to the development of arteries.

Author Europe PMC Team

Our External Links Service enables links to be created from articles on Europe PMC to free third-party resources that enrich our articles. Since launching the service last July we’ve been joined by providers who have set up links to an ever widening range of useful resources, including data underlying articles, press releases and plain English summaries, and article full text not otherwise held by Europe PMC – to name but a few. We now