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Author Europe PMC Team

With our newly released feature, you can decide to search just the methods section, just the results section, just the acknowledgements section, or a combination of 16 article section categories that have been identified in full text articles in Europe PMC. Perhaps you’ve contributed to a paper by providing reagents, or technical expertise, to enable someone else’s experiments. You might want to keep track of acknowledgement of your support.

Author Europe PMC Team

Following the development of the ORCID-based Article Claiming Tool (see this blog post), Europe PMC has now integrated ORCIDs into its website, search systems, and web services. This is proving useful for authors who want to show their publications list unambiguously on the Europe PMC website, allowing them to show for each article citation counts, linked data sets, and full text availability in Europe PMC.

Author Europe PMC Team

Are you interested in finding highly cited articles? If so then the new features in UKPMC will be of value to you. Search results can now be sorted by the number of times articles have been cited. Each search result is now shown with a count of the number of articles citing that record. If you click on the count, this will display the citing articles, which themselves can be sorted by citation count.

Author Europe PMC Team

In response to user feedback, the UKPMC search results page now displays all the authors associated with any published article. Prior to this change, the search results page had shown just the first seven authors, with the full set of authors only being visible from the abstract and full-text views. Further feedback on the UKPMC service is welcomed.