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Author Europe PMC Team

Guest post from Lisa O’Sullivan, Director, Center for the History of Medicine and Public Health By now it’s axiomatic that the digital world poses new opportunities and challenges for researchers, libraries, educational institutions, and publishers, which must be engaged with digital formats in a sustained and thoughtful way. The realities of this landscape encompass challenges to traditional models of publication and new

Author Europe PMC Team

Guest post from Alex Green, Transformation Project Co-ordinator, Wellcome Trust Last month saw the publication of the 2014 Taylor & Francis Open Access Survey. Combining responses from just over 7,900 authors who published with Taylor & Francis in 2012 (9% of the total), this represents the opinions of authors from across the world in roughly the proportions they have published with Taylor &

Author Europe PMC Team

New copyright exceptions to text and data mining for non-commercial research have recently come into effect and this is welcome news for UK researchers and research, argues Ross Mounce . Here he provides a brief overview of the past issues discouraging text and data mining and what the future holds now that these exceptions have been introduced.

Author Europe PMC Team

Additional new funders joining Europe PMC further expand the perspective and scope of the resource. Two new funders have today formally announced that they have joined the Europe PMC funders group, and in doing so the outputs of the research they fund will be freely available via Europe PMC. This brings the total Europe PMC funders to 26, and marks a steady growth in the open access commitment of research funders.

Author Europe PMC Team

Europe PMC plus provides manuscript submission and grant reporting services for authors who are funded by Europe PMC funding organisations. The new Europe PMC plus features ‘ Watch ’ and ‘ Claim ’ allow users to monitor progress of manuscripts for which they are not a submitter and enables them to take over reviewing author duties for submissions that may have stalled during the submission process.

Author Europe PMC Team

To start, I should say that all at Europe PMC support Open Access. This is just a short list of some issues that can be frustrating… 1.    The often incorrect definition of green and gold routes to Open Access I am a relative newcomer to Open Access having only been working in this area for a couple of years.