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Author Europe PMC Team

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) have announced that the prices for site licence access to The EMBO Journal and EMBO reports will be reduced by 9% in 2010, reflecting the increased publication of Open Access content in 2008.

Author Europe PMC Team

The full archive (1947 to date) of the British Journal of Cancer -published by NPG on behalf of Cancer Research UK – is now available in UKPMC. Current content is embargoed for 12 months, though articles routed through BJC Open are made available at the time of publication. The archive was digitised through the Wellcome Trust/JISC/NLM Medical Journals Backfiles Project.

Author Europe PMC Team

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) have announced the development of a licence that will explicitly permit academic reuse of archived author manuscripts. “NPG supports reuse for academic purposes of the content we publish. We want the excellent research that we publish to help further discovery, and recognize that data-mining and text-mining are important aspects of that,” said David Hoole, Head of Content Licensing David Hoole.