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Economics from the Top Down

Economics from the Top Down
New ideas in economics and the social sciences
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Author Blair Fix

Download: PDF | EPUB Economists are not known for their literary imaginations. Flip through any economics textbook and you’ll find a barrage of terms like the ‘Philips curve’ and the ‘Fisher effect’. The jargon is simple enough — empirical relations are usually named after the person who discovered them. But this convention is neither descriptive nor fun.

Author Blair Fix

Download: PDF | EPUB The rich get richer . It’s a phrase that packs a lot of punch. It’s potent rhetoric, yet surprisingly accurate at describing how rising inequality plays out. Of course, there’s nothing inevitable about the rich getting richer. We just happen to live in an age of growing corporate despotism. And our friends at Forbes have been there to document the disease. Forbes . Forbes who loves the free market.