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Donny Winston

Donny Winston
Made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
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Some queries can be optimized; others can’t. This is due to the structure of the query itself, which in turn is due to the structure of the underlying data. “Sargable” is database-speak for Search ARGument ABLE . 1 A query is sargable if it can be optimized, e.g. by creating and using an index. It’s a good idea to write sargable queries.


Open Science and Open Data need not be binary efforts. You can curate and nurture a “core” comprised of fully-open, public data. Surrounding that, you can have a layer open to your organization, but not the public. And surrounding that, you can have a layer open to your team, but not the broader organization.


Data-driven programming means that you change the logic of a program by changing data rather than code. A good example is statistical spam filtering. 1 The conventional approach is to continually update and maintain code that describes relevant patterns to match and that implements conditional logic based on elaborate pattern-matching.


Word games are a technique for troubleshooting problem statements. They are usually cheaper than unwanted solutions. They expose ways that well-intentioned problem solvers trip over a misunderstood word, a misplaced comma, or ambiguous syntax. 1 In the dictionary game, you make a list of a dictionary’s meanings for each word in the original sentence. Then, you try to apply each of those meanings in turn.


You’ve collected a sample of important questions that you want a data system to answer. 1 How do you ensure the system will be able to answer those particular questions? You might have the questions “in mind” as you design and develop a data model, process recorded observations to fit that model, write queries against that model, and process query results into readable answers.