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Donny Winston

Donny Winston
Made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
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Scientific data is distributed over time. For a given entity of interest, have we already recorded all potentially relevant data on its properties, relationships, and representations? Have we already enumerated all of an entity’s potential attributes for which to slot in such data? Have we already named all possible types of entities of interest in our domain?


I have written a bit about benefits of FAIR; however, a reader rightly pointed out to me that there is no such thing as a free lunch – what are some of the costs of FAIR? Below is my first stab at a diagram that I hope distinguishes some costs and benefits of FAIR, and how they are related, in the case of building an “inside track” for an existing research-information lifecycle.


Findability is making reuse possible. If no one can discover your data, if even basic metadata is hidden in a silo, then reuse is simply not possible. Accessibility is making reuse plausible. People and their designated software agents can not only identify relevant resources via metadata, but they can actually retrieve full data for inspection and evaluation. Interoperability is making reuse probable.


A “knowledge line”, aka “K-line”, is a representation of knowledge that connects what we know with how it’s used – we keep each thing we learn close to the agents that learn it in the first place. 1 When a K-line is re-activated, the agents attached to it are re-activated, putting a system in a “mental state” similar to when this thing we know was last generated, used, and/or persisted.