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Chris Hartgerink

Chris Hartgerink
Chris Hartgerink
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Author Chris Hartgerink

Yesterday was the first of four listening sessions by the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy. These are specifically geared towards Early-Career Researchers (ECRs), which I guess I technically would still be had I stayed in academia. I had the opportunity to briefly participate and share some prepared remarks. Sharing those here to document my own thoughts and make them more accessible.

Author Chris Hartgerink

💡 These are prepared remarks for the Choice Hackathon on March 18th, 2023. Find the recording on YouTube. When we think of gender gaps in academia or society more broadly, we may think of very specific issues. But gender gaps are mere symptoms, with a common cause: The patriarchy. This is a system where maleness ultimately dominates, at the cost of everyone.

Author Chris Hartgerink

💡 These are my remarks for the junior researcher panel at the APE2023 conference. This blog is slightly edited for clarity and expands the quote selection from Aaron Swartz. Aaron Swartz died a decade ago today - to commemorate him I’ll start by reading selected quotes from the Guerilla Open Access Manifesto here today. I would argue to reframe publishing as a question of power — as Aaron talked about it: Information is power.