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Science in the Open

The online home of Cameron Neylon
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Author Cameron Neylon

A number of things recently have lead me to reflect on the nature of interactions between social media, research organisations and the wider community. What the first decade of the social web has taught us is that organisations that effectively harness the goodwill of their staff or members using social media tools do well. This approach is antithetical to traditional command and control management structures.

Author Cameron Neylon

Image by cameronneylon via Flickr This post, while only 48 hours old is somewhat outdated by these two Friendfeed discussions. This was written independently of those discussions so it seemed worth putting out in its original form rather than spending too much time rewriting. I wrote recently about Sciencefeed, a Friendfeed like system aimed at scientists and was fairly critical.

Author Cameron Neylon

Coming from me that may sound a strange title, but while I am very positive about the potential for online tools to improve the way we communicate science, I sometimes despair about the irritating little barriers that constantly prevent us from starting to achieve what we might. Today I had a good example of that. Currently I am in Sydney, a city where many old, and some not so old friends live.