Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in BLOG ATARRAYA
Author Atarraya

Las leyes de neutralidad durante el proceso penal de José María Carvajal a mediados del siglo XIX Productoras: Fausta Gantús y Alicia Salmerón Realización y música: Arturo Torres Salmerón Diseño de imagen: Rodrigo Salmerón La audiohistoria presenta un tema sobre las dificultades que encararon los gobiernos de México y Estados Unidos para enjuiciar a José María Carvajal, después de una rebelión armada fronteriza, a mediados del siglo XIX.

Published in Upstream
Author Adam Buttrick

In the rapidly evolving landscape of research, the importance of high-quality metadata and persistent identifiers (PIDs) cannot be overstated. PIDs and metadata are the connective tissue that binds together diverse research outputs, enabling discovery, accessibility, and reuse. Despite their critical role, the current model for metadata creation and enrichment is fraught with inefficiencies.

Published in iPhylo

TL;DR These are some brief notes on the latest version (v. 2) of the Data Citation Corpus, relased shortly before the Make Data Count Summit 2024, which also included a discussion on the practical uses of the corpus. I downloaded version 2 from Zenodo doi:10.5281/zenodo.13376773. The data is in JSON format, which I then loaded into CouchDB to play with.

Published in BLOG ATARRAYA
Author Atarraya

Alcances y límites de la actividad mercantil femenina en la sociedad patriarcal porteña (fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del XIX) por Marcela Aguirrezabala Durante los años ’60 del siglo pasado, los movimientos feministas hicieron del fin del patriarcado una bandera de lucha, en tanto que, bajo la pretendida superioridad masculina terminaban justificando la opresión femenina en todo tiempo y lugar.

Published in Front Matter

The Rogue Scholar infrastructure started migrating to InvenioRDM infrastructure a few weeks ago. This first phase of the migration will conclude on November 4 with the switch of the Rogue Scholar frontend ( to InvenioRDM (to what is currently hosted at record For the most part and not by coincidence, InvenioRDM is a very good fit for Rogue Scholar.

Published in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Author Sebastian Herwig

„Flexible und qualitätsgesicherte Forschungsberichterstattung nach dem Baukastenprinzip“ – unter dieser Überschrift hat die Kommission für Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland (KFiD) jüngst ihr erstes Grundsatzpapier veröffentlicht. Grundsätze haben meist etwas Basales, etwas Prägendes. Prägend ist das, was die KFiD mit dem KDSF 2.0 in dem Grundsatzpapier ankündigt, allemal!!

Published in
Author Lea Singson

Kurze Videos, schnelle Schnitte, ein optimierter Algorithmus – TikTok gehört zu den beliebtesten Social-Media-Apps bei jungen Leuten. Auch das Urheberrecht spielt bei TikTok eine Rolle: Es betrifft nicht nur externe Inhalte in den eigenen Videos.

Published in Martin Paul Eve

People are obsessed with the short-term effects of Covid, prioritising them over the longer-term impacts. "It was just like a minor cold, really", they say, perhaps not realising that [even mild cases of Covid have been shown to cause lasting cognitive impairment]( But I also take exception with this comparison to the common cold.

Published in Triton Station

Who we give prizes to is more a matter of sociology than science. Good science is a prerequisite, but after that it is a matter of which results we value in the here and now. Results that are guaranteed to get a Nobel prize, like the detection of dark matter, attract many suitors who pursue them vigorously. Results that come as a surprise can be more important than the expected results, but it takes a lot longer to recognize and appreciate them.

Published in Henry Rzepa's Blog

In the previous post, I looked[cite]10.59350/xp5a3-zsa24[/cite] at the recently reported[cite]10.1021/ja02261a002[/cite] hexa-arylethane containing a carbon-carbon one-electron bond, its structure having been determined by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The measured C-C bond length was ~2.9aÅ and my conclusion was that the C…C region represented more of a weak “interaction” than of a bond as such. How about a much simpler system,